Meet the new Instructor of Kumon Mordialloc Education Centre

Sheetal Kaur, the new Instructor of Kumon Mordialloc Education Centre

Kumon Mordialloc Education Centre in Melbourne is now operating under the guidance of a new Instructor, Sheetal Kaur.

Sheetal is pivoting from her career in compliance and business improvement to instead support local children develop their abilities mental calculation and reading comprehension, and to become strong self-learners. Sheetal was inspired by her son’s experience with Kumon and become an Instructor to contribute to the Mordialloc community.

“As a working mum, Kumon was the support I needed to guide my child”, Sheetal says. “I learned that Kumon helps you develop your child’s potential to the maximum. Now, I want to share this with other families as a Kumon Instructor”.

“Mordialloc is a beautiful suburb with warm people and great sense of community. I want to be part of a place where families give due importance to education and are invested in their kids’ future”.

Classes run at Kumon Mordialloc from 3:30pm to 6:30pm on Mondays and Thursdays. The centre is located at St Johns Ambulance, 1 McDonald Street, Mordialloc, VIC 3195.

To enrol or learn more, please contact Kumon Mordialloc directly:


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