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Enrolment FAQ

Kumon is a partnership between student, parent and Instructor. The Instructor creates an individualised study plan for each student, and sends home the worksheets they are ready to learn next on their own. Instructors are also available for regular communication by phone, email, SMS or video messaging. Students study their worksheets, daily. Parents encourage their children to complete their worksheets to the best of their ability. Parents then mark and grade the completed worksheets. While students do corrections, parents record the results on the study record sheet.

Kumon covers all the essential concepts needed for a student to develop strong calculation and reading comprehension skills. By studying these fundamentals for between 15 and 30 minutes each day, students progress to study topics beyond their school grade level and become self-learners.

To enrol, please contact your nearest Kumon centre directly. You can find your nearest centre at https://www.kumonsearch.com.au/

Our programmes start with content that supports very young children to develop their pencil skills and concentration ability. Minimum age requirements vary from centre to centre. We recommend speaking with your local Kumon centre for further details.

Kumon complements school through using a selective curriculum that covers all the essential concepts needed for a student to confidently study advanced high school maths or comprehend complex English texts. All Kumon topics appear in the Australian curriculum.
The key difference is that Kumon students make progress based on their ability rather than their age. The aim is to develop a student’s academic ability and study skills to the point where they can learn material ahead of their class for confidence and success at school.

The Kumon programmes help children to develop strong study habits, mental calculation skills, strong reading comprehension, perseverance and the motivation for learning independently. These are essential for success in school.

Kumon is an individualised programme. Students learn at the level ‘just-right’ for them. This said it generally takes 12 months for students to begin to study advanced material. An individualised study projection for your child will be created by your Kumon Instructor shortly after enrolment.
This projection will contain specific goals for your child’s learning.

To ensure a student can progress to a new topic smoothly in Kumon, it is important that the student is confident in each topic that comes beforehand. In many cases, students will be given the opportunity to revise worksheets until their Kumon Instructor considers they are ready to move on to a new concept.

At Kumon, we emphasise an easy starting point. This is so your child can complete worksheets accurately and with a good pace, right from the start of the programme. This early fluency and accuracy is important as it not only supports your child to become comfortable with the routine of doing Kumon, but it will help develop your child’s confidence as they experience a feeling of accomplishment with each worksheet.
The easy starting point also reinforces their mental calculation and/or reading comprehension to ensure strong foundations before moving on to more challenging work. Please talk to your Kumon Instructor to further discuss your child’s study plan and goals.
Kumon Diagnostic Tests pinpoint a child’s strengths and any gaps in knowledge and understanding they may have in that subject. Accuracy and time taken to complete worksheets are also used to gauge a student’s ability of that topic. Kumon students do not pass or fail tests. Rather, results are used by the Kumon Instructor to plan a student’s programme.
There are also other ongoing, informal assessments of students’ academic skills and abilities.
In Kumon, parents are given the opportunity to greatly enhance their child’s progress by supporting their learning at home. This support changes from family to family and Kumon Instructors can advise parents based on individual circumstances. Kumon parents often say that supporting their child them brings peace of mind, as they are able to see their child’s progress in comparison to the benchmark of Kumon’s International Standard.
Parents also use Kumon as a tool to teach their children the value of practice, responsibility and self-discipline.

All Instructors are trained and qualified by Kumon Australia and New Zealand. Instructors progress through extensive screening, training and receive ongoing professional development. Only university qualified candidates are able to become Kumon Instructors. All prospective Kumon Instructors must also pass maths and English proficiency tests, Working With Children Checks, and complete initial and ongoing training. Thereafter, Instructors run their Kumon centre while adhering to quality standards. A dedicated team of field staff ensure Kumon centres operate using best practices.

Students are usually at the Kumon centre for 30 to 45 minutes per subject, depending on the student’s age and difficulty of the worksheets. During this time, Instructors discuss completed homework with students and clarify any instructions or exercises. After this support has been provided, students will then complete their worksheets and supplementary activities for that day.

Kumon Education Centres operate all year round, except for a short closure period over Christmas/New Year. Kumon does not offer ‘special’ holiday programmes, but new students are welcome to enrol in our regular programmes at any time.

No, but the Kumon is most effective as a long-term study programme. It aims to fully address the fundamentals of mathematics and reading, and develop students’ lifelong learning habits.

The Pencil Skills Programme is available to preschool children who are starting to use pencils and have enrolled in either Kumon Mathematics or English. The programme is intended to be fun and helps young children acquire basic pencil control skills.

While Kumon Instructors provide individual support when needed, the overall aim of Kumon is for students to become self-learners. Kumon students who have developed the self-discipline, persistence and confidence to be self-learners find that they are not limited by their access to a tutor or teacher and can independently manage their learning.

The Kumon Programmes cover content from pre-primary through to materials seen in Year 12. While many of the students who attend Kumon are of primary school age, there are no age restrictions.

Kumon uses both phonics and whole language elements within the Kumon English programme. Level 5A is particularly devoted to phonic elements, as children learn to recognise the sounds of letters (5A1-70). They build on this through understanding sound parts (5A 71-150). In Level 4A, the sounds of familiar letter combinations are covered in 4A1-100. Rhyming skills are covered in 4A101-150, with sound parts a focus here as well. In level 3A, spelling patterns and syllables build on the development of children’s ability to link the printed word to the sound it makes.
Coupled with this are Levels 7A and 6A which help children associate the whole word with its meaning through the use of word/picture association. This provides children with exposure to words and the images that represent the meaning. The use of key words and their corresponding pictures supports the development of children’s comprehension skills and this approach continues all the way through the early levels.
In summary, Kumon uses both phonics and whole language approaches. We believe this is the best way to help nurture mature, skilled readers of English.