Aspiring astronaut Layla launches ahead in Kumon Maths
Through Kumon, ten-year-old Layla can already tackle many of the advanced maths problems university students face.
Layla, who aspires to become an astronaut, isn’t fazed by the challenge of solving complex equations. She relishes in overcoming difficulties.
“It’s really fun being challenged, I think it’s a wonderful feeling”, Layla says. “I like maths because of the logic. However you ask the question, the answer’s not going to change.”
Layla was inspired to excel in maths by her father Liam, who holds a PhD in mathematics and is a former maths teacher. Layla’s drive led to her enrolment into Kumon Maths in 2016.
“We’re personally not bothered whether or not Layla’s far ahead, but she loves maths. She wants to be far ahead and she wanted to do Kumon, so we supported her”, says Nancy, Layla’s mother.
Kumon Maths supports students learning by assigning personalised learning programmes. In Kumon, advanced students, like Layla, can tackle learning that sufficiently challenges their skills and piques their interest.
“For growing a student’s maths ability, Kumon is basically ‘practice makes perfect’”, Liam says.
“Whether this is by memorising times tables or learning and applying formulas, practise helps you to spot the same patterns and gives you more confidence with more complex problems.”
Kumon Maths covers content from the preschool level, to undergraduate university level. Layla finished Kumon Maths last year.
Liam says many benefits can be derived from having strong maths ability.
“It gives you the discipline … to actually spot patterns in things that may actually have nothing to do with numbers”, Liam says.
“It trains you in logic.”
This article appeared in the second 2019 issue of Potential magazine. Please feel free to read more here.