Kumon Summer Giveaway winners
Congratulations to the winners of our Summer Giveaway! Doing a little each day can instil daily study habits that will be vital to success at school and beyond. We appreciate all of our students who chose to continue their study over the summer holidays.
Before we reveal names of the winners, we would like to mention that each voucher is valid for several years, the winners can hold onto their prizes and use them at a later date.
And now, we are delighted to announce our Kumon Summer Giveaway winners are as follows:
- Nicholas M, Kumon Gungahlin Education Centre, ACT. Winner of the major prize of a $5,000 Flight Centre travel voucher.
- Gisela B, Kumon Millner Education Centre, NT. Winner of the minor prize of a $100 Hoyts Luxe Gift Card.
- Molly C, Kumon Pimlico Education Centre, QLD. Winner of the minor prize of a $100 Hoyts Luxe Gift Card.
- James T, Kumon Bunbury Education Centre, WA. Winner of the minor prize of a $100 Hoyts Luxe Gift Card.
- Felix N, Kumon Essendon Education Centre, VIC. Winner of the minor prize of a $100 Hoyts Luxe Gift Card.
The winner of our minor prize in NSW declined to have their name published.
Thank you again to all families who continued their learning over summer, and congratulations to all our winners.