Kumon Congratulates Trident Automotive

Kumon Australia and New Zealand offers congratulations to Trident Automotive from Haileybury College, for their stellar performance in the F1 in Schools STEM Challenge™.

This competition saw teams of students, from all over Australia, apply twenty-first century problem solving techniques to build and race a miniature F1 car. Trident Automotive achieved ninth place in the competition.

KANZ was a Silver Sponsor of Trident Automotive. This helped to support these students’ learning through the F1 in Schools STEM Challenge™.

Some peers of the students comprising Trident Automotive are racing ahead in their learning through Kumon.

“I have been going to Kumon for a long time. I have really enjoyed the environment”, these students say.

“The high expectations Kumon has set for me has helped me to excel at Haileybury College. This school also has high expectations for me. [Instructors] and peers at Kumon have encouraged me to become better all the time. They have been really comforting and friendly.”

“Thank you so much to Kumon, they have helped me to become better academically!”

We offer our sincere gratitude to Trident Automotive for the opportunity to be their sponsor.


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