A brand-new venue for Kumon Epping Langston Place Education Centre
Kumon Epping Langston Place Education Centre in NSW is moving into a brand-new venue to help even more students build their skills in mathematics and English.
Led by Instructor Jarrod Dong, who took over Kumon Epping Langston Place (then Kumon Epping North) in December 2021, this centre is now located at Epping Langston Place Centre, 32 Langston Place, Epping NSW 2121. Jarrod says the move will assist him in ensuring that all students’ study at the ’just-right’ level – the point of difficulty between too easy and hard.
“Students will learn most effectively when they are studying at the ’just-right’ level”, Jarrod says. “When operating from a commercial venue, it is easier to adjust the study material assigned to students in class to ensure the most effective level of work is provided”.
“This also allows me to make timely adjustments to each student’s home work to make sure that effective learning continues at home”.
Jarrod aims to welcome many new students into his new venue, and believes his local community will try Kumon Mathematics and English for themselves
“Parents in my community highly value education for their children”, he says. “Kumon provides a long-term learning experience, which helps nurture strong learners who become confident and independent”.
Prior to taking over his own centre, Jarrod was a staff member at Kumon’s Sydney Office where he worked closely with other Instructors as a Field Development Consultant. Before Kumon, while completing his PhD at the Australian National University, he worked as a tutor there and helped develop courses for undergraduate and postgraduate students. He also taught the foundation program at the ANU for international high school students to transition into undergraduate studies in Australia.
To enrol or learn more about Kumon Epping Langston Place, please contact the centre directly: https://www.kumonsearch.com.au/Centre/KUMON-EPPING-LANGSTON-PLACE-NSW#info